Kaneko Hannosuke Brentwood serves various deep fried Japanese tempura rice bowls. They are located in the food court at the Brentwood Mall. Check out the Kaneko Hannosuke Brentwood Mall location review below.

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Kaneko Hannosuke Brentwood Premium Tendon Tempura Rice Bowl Review (Price: $19.95)

The Kaneko Hannosuke Brentwood Premium Tendon Tempura Rice Bowl price is $19.95 plus tax. Quite an expensive price for a food court meal. Let’s see what it offers.

The meal comes with a soup, ginger, tempura sauce (you can ask to have this on the side) and a nicely packaged disposable cutlery set.

There is tempura deep fried items for the following: Soft Boiled Egg, Conger eel, Shrimp, Kakiage (this is seafood tempura), Seaweed, and Green Bean. Underneath the tempura, there is a plate of white steamed rice.

I like how you are able to separate the tempura from the rice so you can eat it easier. With that said, it is a little deceiving at first seeing how big the bowl is at first. I thought the whole thing was filled with food. 

With that said, there is still a good amount of food in it. I really enjoyed the different tempura items. My favourite would probably be the deep fried tempura soft boiled egg. There’s tempura bits outside the egg yet it is still soft on the inside with liquid yolk.

This tempura bowl is one of the more pricer ones compared to their other tempura rice bowls. That’s because it has the conger eel in there. This was a pretty good tempura fish and there’s no bone too. The other tempura were solid as well.

Lastly, you also get a paper rewards card. If you purchase tempura rice bowl (excludes kid bowl) 5 times, you get free seaweed. 10 times get you free tempura shrimp, 15 times get you free kakiage seafood tempura and 20 times get you free regular tempura bowl.

Kaneko Hannosuke Brentwood Mall Food Court Address & Location

Kaneko Hannosuke Brentwood is a food court vendor that is located at the Amazing Brentwood Mall. The address location is 4567 Lougheed Hwy. F10, Burnaby, BC, V5C 3Z6, Canada. There is complimentary surface level parking. For underground parking, you will have to pay for parking.

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