Paradise Juice & Burger Ltd. serves various fresh fruit juice, smoothies and shave iced. They also serve bubble waffle egg balls as well. Paradise Juice & Burger Ltd. is located at the second level of Crystal Mall in the food court area. Check out the Paradise Juice & Burger Ltd. Burnaby Metrotown location review below.

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Paradise Juice & Burger Ltd Crystal Mall Food Court Storefront

This is how the Paradise Juice & Burger Ltd look like at the Crystal Mall Food Court area.

Paradise Juice & Burger Ltd. Mango Tapioca Grapefruit and Strawberry Blueberry Smoothie Review Review

We got the Paradise Juice & Burger Ltd. Mango Tapioca Grapefruit and Paradise Juice & Burger Ltd. Strawberry Blueberry Smoothie.

The Mango Tapioca Grapefruit price is $4.95. It contains tapioca, fresh mango bits and grapefruit. The juice wise appears to be a mix of orange and mango juice. This was not a bad drink and was at a very reasonable price. It taste not bad.

The Strawberry Blueberry Smoothie price is $4.75. It contains fresh strawberries and blueberries all blended up together. There is some milk in it too. This was a refreshing drink.

Paradise Juice & Burger Ltd. Address Location

  • 4500 Kingsway
  • Burnaby, BC V5H 2B1
  • Canada

Paradise Juice & Burger Ltd. is located at the Crystal Mall Food Court.

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