JoDeen Taiwanese Cafe serves various hot drinks like coffee and tea. They also have bubble tea along with their popular Taiwanese wheel cakes. The restaurant is setup like a “fast food” restaurant where there are no waiters to serve you. Check out the JoDeen Burnaby location review below.

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JoDeen Taiwanese Cafe Menu

Below is the menu for JoDeen Taiwanese Cafe.

Below is an image of the staff making the Taiwanese wheel cakes.

JoDeen Taiwanese Cafe Wheel Cake Red Bean Review (Price: $3.25)

JoDeen Taiwanese Cafe has various flavours for their wheel cakes. We got the red bean, custard and taro flavours. They all taste great. The outer shell was slightly crispy while the inside was sweet, soft and gooey.

Overall, good value dessert and taste great. JoDee Taiwanese Cafe is located at 6969 Gilley Ave, Burnaby, BC, V5J 0H4, Canada.

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