Ooleaf Tea Lounge (烏叶奶茶) serves various Bubble Tea drinks including Yogurt drinks. Check out the Ooleaf Tea Lounge Richmond Aberdeen location review below.
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Ooleaf Tea Lounge Purple Rice Red Bean Yogurt Drink Review (Price: $6.50)
The Ooleaf Tea Lounge (烏叶奶茶) Purple Rice Red Bean Yogurt Drink features yogurt, red bean, purple rice and ice all blended up together. This was a nice drink as its not too solidify like a slushie. However, it does have some texture. Price is $6.50 and the cup is a small/medium size. The tea lounge atmosphere was quite nice too with nice furniture and decorations.
Overall, a pretty nice drink. Ooleaf Tea Lounge is located at 4000 No. 3 Rd #135, Richmond, BC, V6X 0J8, Canada. It is next to the Aberdeen Canada Line Skytrain Station. This is very convenient for transit users!
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